Using the Crop Tool

When viewing an image if you decide it’s one you’d like to buy, you can easily click on the Buy tab at the top right hand side of the screen and you will then be shown a list of sizes, click on the one you want then check the price before clicking Add To Cart

At the next screen you are given three options, I recommend you choose Preview and Configure and you’ll then be taken to a screen where you have the final configuration option of cropping the image to the size you want.


On the next screen is where you can configure the crop

If we click “Checkout Now” wherever the crop tool is aligned is where the image will be cropped to.

The dimensions of the crop are the same as the size you clicked on when picking your image size, in this case we selected a 12 x 8 purchase and regardless of you dragging the crop in to the centre of the image or pull the handles out beyond the outermost parts of the photo, the size for print will always be the same as the image size chosen.

If you pull the crop handles out to beyond the edge of your picture, any gap between the edge of the photo and the crop tool will be filled with white so be careful to stay within the boundaries of your photo

You can easily move the crop tool by left clicking anywhere within its border and move it in the direction that best reflects where you would like the crop. You can also change the zoom level of the crop by clicking on any of the corners and dragging the handle in towards the centre. Drag back out if required.

Once you have satisfied you have lined up the crop tool to the part of the image you want printed, click on the go to checkout button.

Only the part of the image inside the inner red line of the crop tool will be part of your printed out photo, everything outside of the border will be deleted.

You can press the Centre button to get the best fit of your image, not really a good option unless the part of the image you want to keep is dead centred. You get similar results using the Best Fit button. At any time, if you’re not cropping to a part of the image that you’re happy with click on the Reset button to start again.